Mailbox Standards

Here are the Standards from our Architectural Standards.

XXIX. Mailboxes and Paper Boxes (Requires an Approved Application)

A. All mailboxes, paper boxes and posts must remain uniform throughout the neighborhood as required by the Protective Covenants.

B. The mailbox must be installed 3 ½’ to 4’ above the road surface and 6” to 8” from the front face of the curb to the mailbox door according to United States Postal Service code. This is to accommodate the average window placement of the mail delivery vehicle and to maintain uniformity within the neighborhood.

C. Mailboxes, paper boxes, and posts must be well-maintained and kept in good repair.

D. Mailbox posts and paper boxes may be constructed with wood, PVC, or composite material provided it is consistent with the existing neighborhood design and must be bright white in color to ensure uniformity in the neighborhood.

E. Mailboxes must be black in color and standard size (9”L x 7”W x 19.38”H) to ensure uniformity in the neighborhood.

F. House numbers must be placed horizontally on the paper box on both sides.

G. House numbers must be black, raised, (minimum) three inch (3"), 3 dimensional plastic or metal numbers that are not thicker than 1/8 inch. Flat stickers are not permitted.

Overtime, homeowners have asked for which mailboxes they can purchase which are “complaint” with our community standards.

  • Know there is not only one option - you may purchase one of many options, as long as they fit the “uniform” standards

    • White posts

    • Have a post beneath the mailbox (like for a newspaper) - which may be uncapped or capped

    • Must have a “gothic” post cap and have a uniformed size to the post over the mailbox

    • Have 3” or 4” numbers on the cross bar under the mailbox

An example of a compliant mailbox (which can be purchased at a major retailer):

Other more premium options may be available, including from our own neighbors on our Classified’s page! SHOP LOCAL!